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Indianapolis Dentistry: 317-953-5348
7218 US 31 S Indianapolis, IN 46227
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Preventative Care

Gentle, Fluoride-Free Cleanings  Indianapolis

Gentle, Fluoride-Free Cleanings

Oral health is more than just about having clean teeth. While at your next oral hygiene appointment, the dental hygienist will review the integrity of your teeth and gums in order to help prevent or treat gingivitis, periodontal disease, or oral cancer.

Your overall health is important to us because we practice whole body dentistry.

After a gentle cleaning, Dr. Reese will make sure you are aware of your oral health position and what options you have. You’ll also have a chance to view what preventative products we have available.

Preventative Products

  • Tooth and Gums Tonic – soothes the teeth and gums
  • Under the Gums Irrigant – antimicrobial herbal concentrate delivered subgingivally
  • Sonicare electric toothbrush – keeps teeth clean without having to scrub
  • Herbal toothpaste – soothes your teeth and gums while preventing plaque build-up
  • Xylitol spray – neutralizes pH in your mouth
  • Wide variety of probiotics – available only to doctors
  • Hydro Floss Oral Irrigator – an advanced flossing system
  • Skinny Coconut Oil – supplement for oil pulling

Tooth Sealants

Pits and grooves in the back molars make it hard for cavity-causing bacteria to be completely removed during normal brushing. This is where sealants can help prevent tooth decay by filling in some of the deep ridges in each molar so that when coupled with regular tooth brushing, cavities can be avoided as much as possible. It’s normally recommended for children when they get their first set of molars around age 6 and again with their second set of molars around age 12. Dr. Reese treats children and adults and would like the opportunity to help your child prevent cavities with sealants.

Tooth sealant in Indianapolis
Dr. Ted Reese, DDS, MAGD

"Just as salt on the roads leads to rust on your car.  Acidity in your mouth (or the pH of your saliva) has come to the forefront of playing a huge role in cavity formation.  I’ve long recognized that kids and adults who indulge in daily soft drink consumption are prone to large and fast cavity formation.  Mountain Dew is notorious, and the newer energy /pep drinks are claiming their notorious place in dental history.  While soft drinks are laden with high sugar content, the acidity(pH) levels of these drinks and their continuous exposure (daily sipping on a soft drink) combines for an extremely detrimental environment to ENAMEL!"
—Dr. Ted Reese

Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral Cancer was once thought to be only a risk for people who heavily smoked or drank alcohol, but oral cancer is occurring more and sadly it kills on average one person every hour of every day. But it doesn’t have to be this way. The signs of symptoms of oral cancer can be hard to detect with the naked eye so Dr. Reese uses Indentafi 3000 ultra technology to detect oral cancer cases that can’t be seen by eye alone. Early detection can increase the rate of cure to nearly 90%. The best part is that this test takes less than 3 minutes and is absolutely pain free!

View our preventative dental products, which can be ordered by phone or in-office.

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